A Resource Catalogue for anyone interested in Product Management. Click the down arrow against each title to view more content, feel free to bookmark this page and keep checking for NEW stuff.

1st published: 31st January, 2022

<aside> 💡 If you find an interesting piece of content or a new category you feel I can add, please send me a chat on **[LINKEDIN](<https://www.linkedin.com/in/puritywaigi/>)**


<aside> 💡 Some of the links shared are Google worksheets, Google Docs or a PDF documents. Simply go to **File > Make a Copy** to add it to your google drive or **Download the PDF** onto your machine.


<aside> 💡 Check out this new tool called **[GLASP](<https://glasp.co/secret-signup>)** which allows you to highlight text as you read and at the same time share your learning highlights with others.


Product Mgt Topics:

Product Mgt Resources:

Product Mgt Infographics:

Product Mgt Audio Content:

Product Mgt in Different Orgs:

Product Mgr Role + Competencies:

Product Mgt Job Search + Interviewing:

Product Mgt Events, Groups,Communities: